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Design & Illustration

Exciting rudder solution...

integrated rudder with skeg

In the printed building manual I outline an integrated rudder for kayaks.

intagrated rudder – idea

Rune Eurenius in Gothenburg, building a Sea Racer took the idea to a new level – a very elegant solution with an integrated skeg.

Bilder från Utsidan

At the Swedish site UTSIDAN you can find all photos and a short descripttion (Swedish only – but Google translate may make it almost comprehensible)...

Rune has contributed a lot on the site through the years:
A Kavat, a simple and efficient skeg with foot maneuvering as an added bonus, a molded foam kayak seat, a very light GP in carbon and a beautiful white Hunter:

Rune Eurenius i sin vita Hunter Balance brace – Rune Eurenius i sin vita Hunter


Nice! Very similar to the Track Master Plus system Epic Kayak uses on their touring boats.

Oj, jag kunde inte tro att min lilla notis skulle få sån uppmärksamhet! Tack för uppmuntrande ord. Jag har ingen erfarenhet av roderstyrning så det lär bli en del trial and error på vägen.

Jag hade tänkt fästa roderlinorna osynligt innanför bordläggningen men rodret är 35cm långt och bara 7,5cm brett så kajaken blir väl knappast nysningssäker ;-)

Med linorna mer isär vid rodret blir ju det hela mera lättservat också.

Dan, The similarity with Epic´s solution is no coincidence. I´ve read all I can find about the Track Master rudder on the web. I was also inspired by a link Björn kindly forwarded to me:

Jag känner att jag bör förtydliga mitt resonemang när det gäller roderlinorna:

Ju kortare avståndet är mellan infästningspunkterna på rodret, desto större utslag kommer rodret att göra vid en given pedalrörelse. Under 7,5 cm tror jag att rodret blir för känsligt. Premiärturen blir säkert tillräckligt spännande ändå

I am interested in trying this on my upcoming "Spray" build... how long is the drop-down blade, and how long is the pivoting section of stern?

Benjamin, this rudder has been sitting in the "idea section" of the manual for 15 years or so, but I have yet to build it myself – it's more of a suggestion than an instruction and thus no fixed dimensions. For a racing kayak (that was the initial idea) the blade is not needed, but for a surfski it has to be quite large (depending on the use: flatwater, normal sea kayaking or surfing large waves). Take a look at a similarly sized commercial surfski for a general idea...

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