Design & Illustration

Attach molds to strongback

The strongback can be very simple - two planks, nailed together in the ends and spread with a crossbar. Attach 1x2´s to the strongback, for the molds, at the distance noted on the plans. If this strikes you as primitive, feelfreetocomplicate...

A tensioned string along the top of the strongback is a handy reference for adjusting the molds.

Attach the molds temporarily with clamps, adjust them horisontally and vertically and fasten with a couple of screws.

When all molds are in place, cut the stems and attach to the strongback and molds. A last check that eveything is OK and...

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Hej Björn,

centreringen i sidled är glasklar mha centrum linan.

Men uppfattade inte hur man hamnar rätt i höjdled.



Har du tittat i byggbeskrivningen ;-)

Spørgsmål : den første Linie, set fra bunden, skal den være vandret? Dvs. den øverste vandrette Linie på billedet.


Jens Christian

Ja, om alla horisontaler är horisontella och alla vertikaler vertikala, ökar det i hög grad chanserna att kajaken blir symmetrisk, funktionell och ser trevlig ut ;-)

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