Panthera – Dan Caouette
den 6 juli 2016 (Panthera, Sjösättning), 5 kommentarer

Dan Caouette (Clear Stream Watercraft) i USA nordost, som byggt många av mina kajaker på beställning, har slutligen byggt en för eget bruk. Det blev en Panthera, och som alla övriga, med en fantastisk kvalitet och finish! Jag ser fram emot fler bilder...
"My daughter and I finally launched our new kayaks! The maiden voyages were on Saturday June 18th. I haven’t sent any pictures yet as they technically weren’t done yet. The decals finally arrived late last week.
Here are a few pictures of my Panthera and Lena’s “Atka” with it’s orca-inspired paint scheme.

Fully outfitted my “Silhouette” Panthera came in at 38 lbs (17,3 kg). She’s named after a black jaguar in Arizona. It has a rugged layup and is meant for heavy touring. It’s outfitted with three Kajak-Sport hatches, composite seat and carbon footboard from Stellar Kayaks and a SmartTrack “Race” rudder. The hull has a silicone-epoxy paint originally designed for airboats (Wetlander). It’s very slippery, tough and flexible. It’ll be interesting to see how it wears. I’m very impressed with the general performance of the design so far. She’s a fast, agile cat who loves the water. I’m glad I’m keeping this one!
Here’s my daughter Lena’s little stitch and glue “Atka” iqyax/baidarka in the flesh. It weighs 27 lbs (12,3 kg) fully outfitted. Only notable outfitting is a KS adjustable skeg. It was painted with automotive urethane (primer, white, black then clear coats). So far she absolutely loves it. Everyone thinks it looks great with it’s orca design. I even carved a little Aleut-esque seal for the rigging. Thanks for the design inspiration."