Panthera och Frej – Arto Nikula
den 30 mars 2016 (Frej, Panthera, Sjösättning), 1 kommentarer

Från norra Finland, ett par vackra kajaker, som precis hann få känna på vattnet innan isen la sig i höstas. Följ bildlänkarna – många bra och instruktiva bilder från byggena!
"Hi Björn,
I’m writing you to say really big thanks for the kayak plans you sold us last year!
We finished our project last September, just before sea going iced. We had time to go sea couple of times for testing. I don’t have so much experience about kayaks. Anyway, my feeling was that it is perfect (Panthera). My son liked Frej too a much!
Sea is still iced here at North Finland, but it will be free soon. So we are waiting really impatient that we’ll continue our journey :)
Here are some photos from our kayaks & building process, if you are interested to see:
Panthera and Frej
Many thanks and best regards,