Black Pearl in Norway
Friday, May 4, 2007, 3 comments

From Pål Gustad i Norway came a mail with these pics and report. The pics are so nice that I did not like having to reduce them to fit the site. Therefore click on the pics to see then in a larger size (and "back" to get back to the news page). Photographer: Tage Solberg.

The mail from Pål (my translation):
Hei Bjørn.
I have used my Black Pearl a couple of weeks now. Lacking the last finish coat, but I couldn´t wait to try.

The building went smoothly. Built a Hunter in 06, and learned a lot then.
I am very satisfied. Find it an unbelievably playful and fun kayak. Very easily rolled, the handroll worked from the start. The stability is better than I had expected. Can´t wait to try it in waves and wind.
Pål Gustad.