Frej – John Nevin
Tuesday, June 27, 2017, 3 comments

Dan Caouette (Clear Stream Custom Water Craft) built a new Frej for John Nevin, and John did the finishing work
"BTD Frej, Maiden voyage on the Assabet river, Concord MA.
It was a blustery afternoon with max gusts up to 48 kph and bucking a 2.5 kph spring flood current, yet she slipped easily and silently up river at 5.5 kph. The ride back down was thrilling!
Then, skeg up, we went into the quiet water in the flooded woods along the river bank where she maneuvered among the trees and deadfalls with aplomb. This bodes well for gunkholing and rock gardening on the coast :-)
Need to complete the deck rigging, and a little more work on the hull before applying the decals ;-)
ps. The new shoulderless Gearlab paddle is fantastic!"
