Njord in Norrland
Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 1 comments

Njord at sunset
A few experiences and pics from Leif in Norrland (northern Sweden)
Hej Björn!
Have noted that Njord is one of the more popular of your models, judging from the
launching page. I am getting used to the kayak now, even if it still feels a little tippy in waves. I have practiced rolling and feel quite confident now. Njord is so easily rolled that it feels almost like cheating.
In an earlier mail I promised more pics. Here are some from e three-day tour in Luleå archipelago. Couldn´t resist the pattern in the sand on Sandy Island together with my Njord. Note the pointed mahogany strips - I spent a few extra working hours there...
Regards/ Leif Karlsson