Njord in the north of Sweden
Friday, April 25, 2008, 0 comments

Mats Nording at Mats båtbyggeri/Flaggstångsfabriken is building a Njord and an Isfjord.
Send a couple of pics on my Njord project in Hudiksvall, where I normally build flagpoles and sailboat masts (www.matsbat.com). At the same time I build an Isfjord together with my kids, John and Lisa - eagerly waiting for launching day.
I can mention that I have found a lot of inspiration on Ulf Johanssons site.
Mats Nording

Recessed rim á la Johansson: 1

Recessed rim á la Johansson: 2
To me it is special because Mats built the masts for our 36 ft ketch "Maria Kristina" some 30 years ago - then at legendary Thörns Båtbyggeri.

Maria Kristina in Falsterbokanalen summer 1989