Njord - Jonathan Rose
Thursday, October 1, 2009, 0 comments

Nor exactly a recent launching, but a comment from Jonathan Rose on the Njord that Dan Caouette of CSFW built for him a year ago.
"Hello Bjorn,
I noticed that a new Njord owner mentioned his Njord "still feels a little tippy in waves" (9/16).
I have found that true as well in my Njord which I starting paddling almost a year ago. It does take time, balance and alertness. My method has been to be very attentive to the Njord's reactions to the waves and to paddle as if you were picking through these waves with extra power on whatever side needs it. I have found the Njord more and more fun in rougher and windy conditions. (If you recall, my Njord is 17' and less than 20" wide and has no skeg.)
The picture below is going out to the Isles of Shoals off the New Hampshire coast. You can just see one of the islands to the right and above my bow.
Best wishes and I continue to enjoy your design very much!