Photo weather
Thursday, May 17, 2007, 1 comments

What was supposed to be a short practice run in drizzling rain (according to the weather forecasts) turned out to be a nice tour in magnificient weather - with the camera in the hands almost as much as the paddle. Launching in Lomma as often, some rolling outside the beach – discovered that Warren Williamson´s fluid roll in the film clip, was actually quite easy – and a short workout trip along the beach to Bjärred.

But the real attraction of the trip was the weather and the play of light against the horizon. Every now and then a heavy swell rolled in, indicating harder winds further north in Kattegatt and Skagerack - and the Weather Services promised rain remained a dark magnificient cloud bank over Denmark. In the intense light the shallows glowed turqoise. I wish I had brought a better camera than the little Olumpus (720SW...