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The lightest Sea Racer yet...

Sea Racer built by Dan Caouette

Dan Caouette in the US is building yet another kayak of mine – this time a Sea racer for a customer in Connecticut. With hull and deck joined it tips the scale at 27 pounds. Not bad for a 6 meter kayak ;-)

The weight and the paint scheme were discussed on Kayak Building Forum... 

If I remember correctly this will be be 6th 7th kayak of mine that Dan builds for customers in Amerika and Europe – three four BP:s, two njords and now the Sea Racer. Here are some pics from the latest.


Close! The Sea Racer is the 7th. You forgot a Black Pearl. :)

4 BPs: Connecticut, North Carolina, NYC and Ontario, Canada

2 Njords: New Hampshire and Barcelona, Spain

1 Sea Racer: Connecticut

Oops! My memory isn´t what it never was ;-)

UPDATE: I finally picked it up from the paint shop... Total weight is 28 pounds (12.7 kg).

It's hard to believe that taping the seam, primer, color coats and clear only added a pound of weight. With seat and outfitting it should tip the scale around 30 pounds.

Yes, that is very light! I have seen quite different figures before/after the paint job.

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