Thule2 - Ralph Merriman
Thursday, May 29, 2008, 11 comments

"Hi Bjorn:
I launched my Thule 2 double yesterday and it is a complete success. I am attaching a few pictures.
A few particulars: Western red cedar, 3/16 inch thick strips. Glass is tight weave S-glass. The rudder I made from carbon fiber following plans from One Ocean Kayaks. Cockpit rims are also carbon fiber. After problems with getting good hatch closure on my last boat I decided to go with Valley Canoe hatch covers. Seats I carved from minicell foam in imitation of the excellent seats that Joe Greenley (Redfish Kayak) sells.

This is my first boat with a rudder. As I did not want to lose my solid foot braces I used the 'Smart Track' foot controls. These along with the VCP hatches added a bit of weight, but the result is still not too bad. I estimate a bit over 60 pounds, maybe 65. Length is 21 feet 3 inches.
The boat paddles well and is all I had hoped for. I wanted a boat that is not a barge, where the paddlers can get a decent stroke. Stability is comfortable. We had no problems on our first paddle. Doubles have a different feel than I am used to, but that aside we quickly became comfortable with the boat. It was breezy (whitecaps) and we got to test the boat at all points relative to the waves.
Plus, I love the way it looks. I am sure that it will attract a lot of attention. Thanks for the great design!"
Ralph Merriman
Lynnwood, Washington