To Stokkøy!
Monday, August 8, 2011, 3 comments

Tomorrow early I catch a flight to Trondheim, to continue by car to the qajaq meeting at Stokkøya and Stokkøya Sjøsenter. Organised by Trondhjems Kajakk-klubb and Prosjekt Inuit, I am invited to share my knowledge of paddling and rolling, Greenland style, and talk about kayak design, dimensions, performance and such, while Dubside is invited to teach the more advanced rolling.
The name qajaq tref indicates the focus – there will be a lot of Greenland kayaks and slim sticks.
Stokkøya Sjøsenter is on the Hosnasand which must be one of the finest beaches in Norway, approx 120 km north of Trondheim and far out in the archipelago. I visited Trondheim many years ago for quite another reason (mountain hiking) , but never went out in the archipelago. I will report when I get back...