Black Pearl – Bohdan Szymanik
Tuesday, November 8, 2011 (Black Pearl, Sjösättning), 4 comments

A mail from down under:
Hi Bjorn, just to let you know the Black Pearl I started building in November last year is now getting lots of time on the water and I'm loving it! It's very lightweight (12kgs) which makes it really easy to put on and off the car. (I mostly used Paulownia and a lightweight tight weave cloth.) The finished kayak is very responsive to everything I do and it just brings a big smile on my face when I'm on the water.
The fitting out has been a gradual process over the last 6 months and it's now very comfortable with good bracing for the knee on the masik - crucial for my rolling.
All in all a great project - the building was great fun, it looks terrific, and it's fantastic on the water.
Thanks for the great design and a photograph is attached from a recent trip to Lake Taupo - my daughter's following along in an old polo boat and I can see a need to build something for her next:)