Spray – Dan Caouette
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 (Spray – sjösättning), 5 comments

En ny snygg kajak från Clear Stream Custom Water Craft och Dan Caouette:
"Another Spray kayak is on the water!! Andrew was seriously interested in the Panthera but simply liked the lines of the Spray HPK I built back in 2014. This one is 20’ long and 20” wide (610 x 50 cm). Western red cedar core with Stellar Kayaks foot board and under hull rudder. Weighs about 36 lbs (16,3 kg). The paint scheme was inspired by the America's Cup winning Oracle Team USA trimaran. I think it translated pretty well."

Den visuella designen inspirerades av Americas Cup-vinnande trimaranen Oracle Team USA. (Mer om lackningsarbetet här)