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Design & Illustration

A sea tour in the little black

Thick ice at the club float necessitated portage and I discovered how easily a greenland kayak is carried on the head and the shoulders. A little later I noted that a plastic tube reaching 4" above the surface does not hinder a greenland kayak - a little speed is all it takes to jump over.

Out at sea we had a nice 10 mile tour in light wind, a pale sun and 34° F. The little black (and still unnamed) kayak behaved beutifully and I am very satisfied with it. Very fast with little effort, good directional stability combined with excellent turning (a bow rudder plus a little leaning turns the kayak 90° in a kayak length) and a surpricingly dry ride, considering the low deck. A little to low as it turned out - I forgot to wear my thick neoprene boots when I modeled the cockpit! After an hour or so I welcome a pause ashore.


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