A visit to the the kayakshop in Tranås
Wednesday, March 3, 2010, 10 comments

The last couple of days I spent at the kayak shop in Tranås to see how the new line of S&G Black Pearls is developing. Petrus Johansson is running a "pre-production" class with two participants, building two their BPs – Claes from Finland who has initiated a similar shop in Southwestern Finland (starting up in a few months), Magnus from Tranås with plans for a BP since a paddling class this summer in lake Sommen – and Petrus himself planning, helping, teaching and constantly seeking efficient shortcuts, imprevements to make the project as easy and fulfiiling as possible for the coming participants.
The concept and the kayaks looks really impressive. Petrus has developed a concept where builders have access to the shop, a strongback, professional tools, station molds, precut plywood panels, prefabricated carbon cockpit rim, seat and and hatch trays, coffee and lunch – and not the least professional help when needed and can build a profeesional quality S&G Black Pearl in eight days. A BP that is lighter, stiffer and with a better fit than anything commercially available.

Prebent plywood panel for the foredeck

Kajyaks everywhere – plus a couple of sailboats and dingies...

Cutting the cockpit hole

Adjusting for the carbone fore deck hatch tray

Prefabricated cockpit rims waiting for builders

A little help with the fit...

...and the deck jopint can be stitched in preparation for epoxy and fiberglass

Waiting for the deck hatch

Deck hardware...

Ready to glue and glass the hull-deck joint
What a vacation week this can be for a builder!
(For more info, contact petruskajak.se)