Baidarka double in Blekinge
Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 5 comments
An email from Mats Antonsson shows a new baidarka double, recently launched. It is a traditional SOF and from the pics it seems very nicely built.

"Hello Björn
My latest kayak project is a baidarka double, built together with Lars Gradin. We think it turned out so nice that others may be interested!
Dimensions are approx 712 x 55 cm. Respect!

When we get it going we may participate as the ""fastest cloth" in the DKM (Dalsland Kanot maraton+ - a 55 km maraton race in the lakes of Dalsland). But then we may need to carve us a couple of hats and maybe new paddles.
Mats Antonsson"

Framebending á la Alaska...
BMW seems tempted by the SOF-method as well. Now that´s development…