Between gales...
Friday, February 29, 2008, 1 comments

Today there was a short break between the winter gales. Maybe I am influenced by paddling absintence but I cannot remember a winter this windy. The last two weeks the predictions have been over 20 knots constantly. The relative lull of 15 knots today was a welcome surprice, and must of course be used. So I turned off the computer and launched at Lomma for an hour and a half of workout, surf and rolling.
Waves vanishes almost instantly when the wind goes down in Öresund and swell is practically nonexistent – no fetch, Denmark is too close. Good conditions for rolling and excercise but surfing in half meter waves is not very exciting. Apart from that is was a nice outing – no real chill in the wind and the sun was occationally visible. The water felt cold initially but after a couple of rolls it was quite OK, and to be expected - end of February usually sports the lowest water temps of the year (today 4,6° C).

This weekend it is time for another gale. The westerly reaches 40-45 knots during saturday and 25-30 sunday – and the following week by the look of it. As always with afresh westerly the water level rises. On the Halland coast a class 2-warning is issued: 130-155 cm above normal water.
If this a consquence of the global warming maybe it is time to adobt a positive attitude towards it – convince yourself that 30 knots is hilariously fun and everything below 15 knots is book reading weather. The wind surfers have one or two things to teach us. This is their ranking of the coming days (Windguru):

(Three stars marks a day with 25 knots or more, two is approx 20 and one is 15 knots or less.