Black Pearl - Leif Juhl
Sunday, March 29, 2009, 4 comments

Leifs and Annies kayaks on a Danish beach. Photo: Nicolai Ilcus
Leif Juhl just launched a new Black Pearl, to complement Annies that have been admired on kayak meetings for some time now. As expected exceptionally well built!
"Hello Björn.
Finally came the day when my BP tasted salt water for the first time. Grey skies and a light rain could not spoil the fun in launching yet a lovely kayak.
Leif in his new BP
”The Pearl” was properly examined and admired, toasted and wished good luck. Expactations were met and I look forward to get to know it.
A couple of close-ups (click to magnify).

Annie is a little jealous of my retractable skeg, that seems to work fine.
Hope to meet you soon again.
Best regards
Annie og Leif Juhl"