Black Pearl – Panos Nezis
Friday, October 30, 2020 (Black Pearl, launching), 1 comments

An email and a few photos from Panos in Germany – a very nice cockpit layout with wooden strips instead of the more usual foam/laminate, and a couple of very nice and well-constructed hatches.
"Some pictures of Black Pearl:

Some extra photos ( do you know anybody who tried this?
The idea came from your plans.
But I did not know till the end if I could succeed and if it would function, so half of the time I spent with my fear ...)

It IS waterproof!!
And like a miracle to close and to open it …
Liebe Grüße,
Panos Nezis"
I used this kind of hatches on my Hunter many years ago (photo below) and they are still shown on some of the plans, but I did not include them in my manual, since I had a hard time getting them reliably water-tight (I succeeded eventually, but the time and effort it took did not make any sence).The chords below the rim are attached to wooden hooks on the underside of the hatches and pull the hatches down against the rim (in the photo there are no sealing yet). After seeing Panos' version I think that the main problem probably was the square shape on my hatches – so much easier to keep the pressure around the perimeter of a round or oval hatch with a solid rim! So if you want to try this neat idea, look at Panos version, not mine.