Hunter - Anders Olsson
Saturday, November 8, 2008, 2 comments

"Hello Björn! My Hunter, that I started building late in of July, is finished. Launching was last weekend in suuny weather. The process went well, much easier than I thought before start. It is 585 cm long and 50,5 cm wide and tips the scale at 18 kg including an adjustable skeg and foam seat. I chose a fiberglass rim glued on top instead of the recessed one - a little more legroom. The seat is 4 cm high which raises the center of gravity and lowers stability, but I will get used to that. Pics from today, a tour in heavy rain, but still nice. I painted the hull and deck platinum grey, which I do not regret even if it felt brutal to roll paint over the woodwork. Now the ambition is to roll in the water instead, but that possibly have to wait until spring. But paddling right side up, I will do as long as my waters are free of ice.
Greetings Anders Olsson"