Kayaks at the yacht fair in Helsingborg
Monday, August 20, 2007, 0 comments

This weekend was yacht fair in Helsingborg. Mostly the usual stuff – float after float with luxury yacht look-alikes in white or blue plastics, the rowing club, a sauna in a tub on a float, a floating porch with an electric motor, the coast guard with boats and an information tent – and then the very dynamic kayak corner in the northern part of the harbour where the action was
KajakEvent, Kajaktiv and Pointwith many kayaks to look at and test paddle, Barbro Lindman that paddled the Norwegian coast alone and going to New Zeeland for a solo trip round the south Island, Jon from Helsingborg who just completed the blue ribbon (the Swedish coast), Ram Silwal from Nepal showing what can be done in a white water kayak – and I was invited to show Greenland rolling at a couple of times each day.

Many boating enthusiasts came over to the kayak corner when the discovered that that was where the exciting things happened. To me the boat people are potential customers. Many kayak builders are boaters looking for a simpler and more fulfilling way to spend time at sea – new customers outside the kayaking community.
Many with newly awakened paddling interest had not seen kayak rolling I real life before and I got a lot of attention. For some paddlers Greenland rolling was new and exiting.
Overall a very satisfying event, with many new friends and potential customers and pleasant reunion with old friends.
Fast, faster and fastest - XP, Njord och Ruahine Oceanix

"...that damned elusive reentry-and-roll"

Kayaks, kayaks and more kayaks...

Ram and Pia

Babs demoing kayaks

Many tried Black Pearl and Njord on water - here Jesper from Point with the unusual concept.

Hard work being Event manager...