Light over the Sound
Sunday, December 14, 2008, 3 comments

Magnificent light over the Sound
It was a lovely winter tour. Easterly around 14 knots, scattered clouds, 3 deg C warm (5 in the water). High pressure and landwind together created a very low water situation. I launched north of Lomma (where the dense vegetation offers lee for changing clothes) and took a short trip south to Alnarps Fälad for a short coffee break. Back again with som rolling underways. Approx 13 km and 25-30 rolls.

View south towards Malmo
The light was so overwhelming that I began thinking water colors: paynes gray, cobolt, cereulean, raw och burnt sienna, while reaching for the camera every tenth or so paddle stroke. I had forgotten my light paddling gloves and had to use the real winter ones (three finger gloves in 5 mm neporene) - a little too warm, but at least I now know that the microscopical buttons on my Olympus can be operated with these on.

Low water beach
As often I was alone on the water, but the beaches were full of people walking. ASome hundered meters off the shore at Strandhusen I met my seal pal (or one very like him). We usually meet some ten km further north, and he had to circle the kayak a couple of times to acertain who the paddler really was. That is what I really like about winter paddling - no noisy high speed contraptions disturbing and scaring the wildlife (and me).

Lomma in winter sun

The seal pal