First Nanoq in the US...
Sunday, March 22, 2015 (Launchings, Nanoq), 7 comments

"Dan & Bjorn, I finally launched my new Alleq/Nanoq. I just love it. Nimble, quick and responsive. Did not roll it yet (water temp 34). It also seems to like the surf/waves but have not tested it in serious waves. Will send better photos. It came out 4" longer than designed. I somehow miscalculated the stems – did not allow for the thickness of the strips where they meet at the bow and stern."
Bob's Nanoq is strictly speaking not a Nanoq. It is built from the Alleq plans, the plywood version I designed for Petruskajak's building classes based on the Qanik I designed for Seabird Designs some years ago. Bob converted the Alleq drawings back to strip several months before I got the Nanoq plans ready to ship. Performance-wise the difference is probably not noticeable, but Bob kept a little more of the harder edges of the plywood version, positioning his version slightly closer to the skin-and-frame Illorsuit original, while the Nanoq has the Qanik-like softer chines and slightly more rounded panels.
More on the different versions on the Nanoq-page.