New kayaks in the catalog
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 1 comments

I've been working for a while on two new kayaks. Both have been suggested in conversations with prospective builders on kayak meetings, or in emails.
The first, named Splash, is a wider and shorter version of Spray, intended to be an easily handled multi-purpose kayak on the surfski concept. As a recreation kayak, a short surfski has some advantages. It's light, simple to use, has no spraydeck to attach, and it is easy to slide into the water from the cockpit for a swim and to get back into again. Those who paddle waters where a spraydeck is not normally used can build the Splash without a bailer. For the small amount of water that drips into the cockpit, a handheld pump or a sponge is sufficient. In tougher conditions, a bailer in the lowest part of the cockpit is a must.
Splash is 507x55 cm and has a load capacity of approx 130 kg. It is an easy and convenient way to spend time on the water – a minimal of preparations, the kayak in one hand, a PFD and a paddle in the other and you're on your way. It is stable enough for beginners but competent in rough waters. Controlled surfs in big waves are easier than in comparable sea kayaks.

Th Other, Jack 14 SOT, is not a new kayak, just a sit-on-top version of the standard Jack 14. I have had a number of requests for this type of kayak, from paddlers using their kayak for fishing, swimming, outdoor painting, hunting, or as an easy-to-use kayak for excursions in rivers, lakes, or archipelagoes. It can be built with a small surfski cockpit, minimizing the volume for safety in waves, or with a big open cockpit with room for fishing equipment – add rod holders, an echo sounder, and perhaps an electric trolling motor. Dimensions are the same as the original Jack 14– 420x63 cm and a load capacity of 140 kg.

Both kayak plans are ready to ship.