Off topic!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 9 comments

Sorry that I rant about something so remote from kayaking and paddling, but I just read an encouraging article in swedish magazine Ny Teknik (New Tech). I reported about LP-records striking back and new attitudes in the industry: the article – unfortunately not translated. I have since 1983 mourned the loss of quality that the CD-era and digitality imposed upon us – to such an extent that I got tired of purchasing new music, and still own just some 50 CDs compared to over 2000 LPs (which I frequently use). But to voice such opinions loud has been regarded as backwards and tech hostile with a nerd warning.
To read about the indie band The Society of Rockets releasing their new album only on LP and mp3 and read what the guitarist told Wired: "Having just gone through the process of mastering our new album for digital and for vinyl, I can say it is completely amazing how different they really sound...The way the vinyl is so much better and warmer and more interesting to listen to is a wonder", warms the heart. Amazon has started a LP-store and many record stores are quadrupling their LP-corner at the expense of the CD-department.
There is of course no problems with the digital technique as such, but rather with the bad decisions that Philips imposed upon us (and their partner Sony) in the early 80´s - decisions that made world standard and still limits still limits the quality since they became a standard, not possible to change. It is like claiming that cameras with more than 2 megapixels would be a commersial overkill – most consumers would not note the difference. (Note to tech freaks: Yeah, I know about Nyquist's theorem, the Cross lnterleaved Reed-Solomon code, the oversampling debate etc – but I prefer to enjoy music with my ears, not my eyes – be it scores or specifications)
Well, well, my old Systemdec, with Alphason arm, Ortofon MC20 and a Fidelity Research-transformer plays on – maybe even with one or two new album sometime. I see light in the tunnel...