Panthera.2 by Luca Seganti in Italy
Friday, August 27, 2021, 0 comments

Hi Bjorn,
And also the Panthera 2 has been completed…
I’m very proud of it, it’s a beautiful and elegant design.
The boat is 680cm, I have no idea about the weight, I suppose between 25 and 30Kg.
I just used it two times for a couple of hours and the first impression is of a stable boat (more than my two Njords), fast, with a nice agility thanks to the rudder, and pleasantly smooth in the waves, really smooth.
The cruise speed is a bit more than 9Km/h and it’s easy to push it to 12Km/h, but obviously, it depends on the paddlers…
Many thanks, Bjorn, Another Perfect Kayak!
Obviously, you are very very welcome in Italy to test your kayak, let me know.
Ciao, Luca