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Design & Illustration

Pressrelease från nordkalotten

Today an eagerly awaited message from the guys on Belzebub II in northern Canada came through. After some encounters with dense ice, they finally got through the infamous M'CLure strait.


“The Arctic is melting at an alarming rate and is clear proof of our disharmony with the planet. By sailing this newly opened route we hope that our expedition will play a small part in bringing further attention to climate change and contributing to a larger shift in attitudes. Our approach to sail across a historical stretch of water that has traditionally been frozen is meant to be a clear visual example of the extent of declining polar ice.”

We will continue to track the polar ice cap towards the Bering strait where we will head into the Pacific Ocean to complete the most Northern Northwest passage ever accomplished by a sailboat.

On the expedition site you can follow their progress in news postings, photos and films. If you haven't already done so, bookmark the site in your RSS-reader for an exciting experience with well-written posts, fantastic photos and very well-produced film clips with icebergs, whales, polar bears and the life onboard a small boat in high latitudes.

I have posted previously on february 14 2011 and april 6 2012.

Edvin till rors


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