Sunday trip with the club
Sunday, October 28, 2007, 2 comments

The usual question – alone or someone else show up? Sunny and reasonably warm (no gloves) – but windy (20-25 knots southwesterly). Back to wintertime last night so one more hour of sleep – but someone may have forgotten to set the clock. I have been alone some times – but have pointed that out on this site.
Well, Anders lifted out his kayak when I arrived, so at least we were two, fighting our way southwards. In the gusts, aided by a slow northerly current, the going was excruciatingly slow. But with the promontory at lernacken shielding the waves never got higher than 2" – as opposed to further north at the west coast at Väderöarna where the same wind raised a 12 ft sea – but short and steep.
Outside Ön the current as usual helped increasing the wavelength, thus helping kayak speed slightly.
The return trip took a third of the time – with some really good surfing. A little rolling outside Västra Hamnen (Western Harbour) completed the trip before a hot shower and sauna.
The temperature in water and air was approx 10º C, the sun was shining throuh thin clouds and a curious mink gazed at the passing kayaks from a daywater conduit.