A sunday in the sound
Sunday, October 12, 2008, 7 comments

A beautiful fall day and a decent trip in the sound between Denmark and Sweden. After a couple of intense weeks with too many web and design assignments running paralell I neede this. Launching in Vikhög and short run down the coast to Bjärred, a short break at Löddenäs point, rolling practice off Vikhög and a turn up north past the nuclear power plant at Barsebäck and lunch on the beach at Lundåkrabukten - a total of just over 19 miles.

1 is the launching and landing beach in Vikhög. 2 is where I paused at Löddenäswildlife protection area. At 3 the pic above is taken and at 4 I often stop for something to eat and drink at the steep grassy slopes.
The repaired paddle worked as planned (and hoped). The balance was as good as new and the new spliced tip flexed as the old one, and felt reassuringly solid at rolling.
Some of my paddling collegues were on a fall trip in Blekinge and there were no one at the club float - and I was alone at sea as well, except for a large yacht motoring north from Vikhög, the seal I usually meet in these waters – and several thousand cormorants and geese that I scared off the banks in Salviken.