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Spindrift 2

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Ritningssats, Spindrift 2 - 1 900 SEK Beställ

Spindrift.2 är en tvåmansversion av Spindrift med samma användningsområde och egenskaper. Mer info kommer...


Spindrift 2 – Ken KatzSpindrift 2 – Ken KatzSpindrift 2 – Ken KatzSpindrift 2 – Ken Katz


Spindrift lines

Spindrift är  tänkt att byggas 646 cm lång, men längden går att justera efter önskemål. På ritningen finns detaljanvisningar för att bygga 629 och 680 cm längder. 

Längd¹ 646 cm (total/kvl)
Bredd 54 cm (total/kvl)
Djupgående 13 cm
Deplacement/volym⁶ 182 kg/494 liter

¹ Dessa mått kan lätt ändras efter egna önskemål
² Beroende på träslag, utrustning, noggrannhet med slipning, laminering etc.
³ Marschfart resp. motsvarande toppfart. Värdena är från början teoretiskt uträknade (Crouch´s formel) och justerade efterhand som jag kan göra relevanta praktiska tester.
⁴ Släpmotståndet i 4 resp. 5 knop mätt i kp vid angiven lastkapacitet.
⁵ Initialstabilitet resp. slutstabilitet – 1 är mycket rank, 5 är mycket stabil.
⁶ Deplacement är kajak + paddlare + last. Räkna bort kajakens vikt för att få lastkapaciteten.

Om ritningar och bygge

Ritningsbladen rymmer den information som behövs för att bygga kanoten. Spant, stävar och eventuella konstruktionsdetaljer i fullskala. Linje- och konstruktionsritning i skala 1:10. Viktiga detaljer eller idéskisser i full skala. För kajaker finns sittbrunnsförslag plus anvisningar för att ändra. På ritningen finns även anvisningar för att bygga kajaken kortare eller längre.

Spindrift 2 – plans

Med ritningssatsen följer en illustrerad byggmanual med 36 sidor, som går igenom alla moment – tillräckligt detaljerat för att även en helt ovan byggare skall klara av att bygga kajaken.

Ritningssats, Spindrift 2 - 1 900 SEK Beställ


Recently completed a modified version of Bjorn’s Spindrift 2. I wanted a very stable and shorter version of the design for relaxed ocean paddling. Something a bit more stable than a Epic V8 double and lower volume than my Nelo 600 and of course, better looking. The Nelo has way too much volume for Luanne and I, us being on the lighter side weight wise. I built a Spindrift single years ago and have been very pleased with that design.

I contacted Bjorn and requested that he make some modifications to the stock design. The modified design is 612cmLx58cmW. I made a mould from my Think Zen to create the carbon fiber buckets. Long story short, we recently launched her and couldn’t be more pleased. Turned out to be more stable and faster then expected. Took her out in some wind and waves yesterday and was pleased with the sports car feel. Very responsive and nimble. A bit wet going into steep chop but a wave deflector and open bailer takes care of that. Every design consideration has a price. We both came home elated at how much fun this boat is to paddle. Thanks again Bjorn for a wonderful design! Ken

Thank you, Ken. I am happy that it lived up to your expecatations ;-)

Do you have photos?

Had another relaxed paddle in the Spindrift 2 yesterday with my wife Luanne. This time in flat water. The first word that came to us both is this boat is FUN. We are accustomed to paddling tippier surfskis and enjoy that immensely. The purpose of this boat is to have these type of relaxed paddles but still have a well performing boat. We have no problem easily paddling it between 9.6kph and 9.9kph and have sprinted above 13kph. We have taken a couple of months off from regular paddles so I would expect even better performance when the ‘motors” are tuned up.

Of course part of the pleasure in paddling this ski is the comfort. As mentioned earlier the ZEN bucket is perfect for us both. I can’t emphasize enough how important getting the correct bucket is in order to have the ergonomics and comfort that is so important to get the most out of a surfski.

Here are some photos of the build. I hope to improve the album after taking care of some projects around the house didn’t get done because of this build. Building boats is way more fun than home maintenance!

Thanks for posting the photos Ken. I have a friend who is building a Spindrift at the moment so I'll send him the link. He's been out for a paddle with me a few times on the V8 double that I have. I was interested to read that you were after a ski more stable than the V8 Double as I've been out in some 50-60 kmhr downwinds and even though both buckets have filled with water due to the waves, we've never had an issue. Even my wife has been happy going out through the heads on Sydney Harbour. I also have a Zen which was my first ski but I much prefer the bucket on my V9 to the Zen. I'm hoping to build a Spindrift double next year as I think the 54cm beam would be ideal for me

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