Monday, April 23, 2012, 7 comments

Following the discussion on discussion on deck fittings, Ove Sigvardsson sent a mail with an even simpler, lighter and cheaper method:
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Sunday, April 8, 2012, 10 comments

In the summer 2010 my nephew Edvin Buregren sailed his boat to Canada, a trip covered in his blog. It was the first step in an ambitious attempt to sail the northwest passage, from the north Atlantic to the Pacific north of Canada and Alaska. The primary goal is to raise the awareness of the effect the global warming is having in the polar ice cap. They will attempt a route further north than what has been previously possible, but that may be just open for the first time since before the last ice age, due to the receding ice. They will work together with media and organisation to help raising the awareness on what is going on and the gravity of the situation.
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Sunday, April 1, 2012 (Frej, Sjösättning), 7 comments

"Hej Björn, så blev det äntligen sjösättning även för mig.
Har byggt lite intensivare det sista och det var med stor förväntan jag cyklade iväg.
Efter lite inledande fotografering i hamnen fick jag och en paddelkamrat en fin men ganska blåsig tur.
Att paddla i vågorna har aldrig varit roligare...
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