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News from June 2008

Nya Swift2 - Kristoffer och Patrik

Action and fighting faces
Action and fighting faces. Foto: Stewart Carlsson

”Hej Björn,

Äntligen är våran Swift/2:a klar och ÄNTLIGEN har jag lyckats få tid att sammanställa allt som jag tänkte skicka till dig. Det senare har tagit mig ända sedan 15:e maj då sjösättningen ägde rum.

Kan kort säga att vi haft skoj och att vi är RIKTIGT NÖJDA med resultatet. Den blev som vi hoppats på riktigt snabb. Vi "spöade" 3st lag med Acron Martre kanoter i Läderloppet. Tyvärr blev den lite tyngre och lite dyrare än vi hoppats på (se byggdagbok). Detta är dock inget vi grämer oss över - huvudmålet (snabbhet) uppfylldes.

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Njords in Vråka

Erik and Emil in the workshop. Photo: Hans Brandin

Västervikstidningen (a local paper on the Swedish east coast) found out about two Njord kayaks under construction in Vråka outside the town, and sent a journalist/fotograf. Erik Jonsson and Emil Mårtensson talked and showed their project: "Not exactly as we told but close enough and the article have created some interest in the project.".

Link to the article (Swedish only!)...

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Black Pearl - Jens Åberg

Rolling the pearl

"Hello Björn!

Now my Pearl, with support and good advice from Petrus at Petrus Kajak, is launched. It seems to do just fine in the lake nearby.

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The first photo of the sea racer

First sea racer launched!

The first Sea Racer (the yet unnamed model) is launched. Not mine - it rests still on a shelf in the basement workshop, but Thomas Bergström launched his and got a photo with the cell phone camera. Five of these kayaks are under construction.

"Hello Björn...

Finally my kayak is launched. It went nicely in the water - VERY tippy, but everything went fine nevertheless :P


PS. The plans are still not published in the plans catalogue. The ambition was to build the prortype quickly, put it through sea trials and then publish. But sometimes time and planning takes on a life of their own - but in due time...


Now it does...

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Kavat - Niklas Forsberg

Niklas´ new fishing boat

"Hello Björn !

My Kavat is launched and it is really fun to paddle. I managed ta catch a 1,5 kg pike om my second tour (the first with fishing gear) - so I think it will do fine as a fishing boat. Might even be more building project in the future..

Have a nice summer!

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Najad by Gundula in Germany

Gundulas new Najad

"Hey Björn,

now my "Najad" is ready and I have much fun with it. It runs very fast and straigtforward and now I am able to paddel together with my husband without having long and longer distance between our two boats.

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Baidarka double in Blekinge

An email from Mats Antonsson shows a new baidarka double, recently launched. It is a traditional SOF and from the pics it seems very nicely built.

New baidarka launched

"Hello Björn

My latest kayak project is a baidarka double, built together with Lars Gradin. We think it turned out so nice that others may be interested!

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Coup d'état in Sweden?

This is about a sad and unexpected political development in Sweden and has nothing to with kayaking or paddling

Our right wing government has, with a coup d'état like procedure, chosen to remove an important part of the democracy, in contempt of the UN declaration of rights, the EU regulations and probably the Swedish constitution (to be investigated). This means a significant shift of power from the people and the Parliament to the government and is a radical departure from a many centuries old democratic tradition.

A military intelligence agency (FRA) will have the right to intercept, analyze and store all cable communication (telephone, email, sms, chats, internet) to and from Sweden without any court order - the arguments being threats against Sweden (no such thing according the the security police - and if: do they really believe that terrorists communicates in advance non-encrypted?) and that it is only foreign activity that is to be intercepted (the ignorants in the government does not understand that servers are placed anywhere in the world and that internet traffic takes the fastest and cheapest road, disregarding national borders) and that this database is an exception - it will not leak (!).

The new law was enforced against an formidable uproar amongst political blogs, massive demonstrations and rejections from almost all referral bodies: the police and security police, the department of justice, lawyers, journalists etc. The voting was arranged hastily late in the evening, when the old media was occupied with a game of soccer in the European championship and was passed with minimal overweight for yes.

The short term consequences are already seen: Google aborts further investments on servers in Sweden, not being able to guarantee their customers integrity anymore (and declaring Swedish IT-morale to be on par with Chinas and Saudi Arabias). Telia Sonera moves servers to Finland not to compromise Finnish internet users integrity which is against the law there (accepting immigrants, Finland?). Long term consequeces may be a silent society where no one dare to tip a journalist of incongruities, or where no one dare to call a medical or drink/drug abuse help line fearing that such information may leak to future employers or insurance companies.

Today I am ashamed of being swedish, and I long for the next election (2010) where we can kick out this miserable bunch of illdoers.

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Singoalla –Magnus Stenlund

A new Singoalla

A new beautiful Singoalla has left the shop in Västerås.

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Kajakträff Nytäppet

Folk börjar samlas framåt fredagskvällen
Fler och fler tält framåt fredagskvällen

Hemma igen efter tre dagar i Blekinge skärgård. Kajak Syds träff på Östra Bokö genomfördes i år i formidabelt högsommarväder – tre molnfria, så gott som vindstilla dagar med gassande sol och temperaturer uppemot 30 grader under dagarna. En liten påminnelse om att det trots allt inte borde vara högsommar så här års kom när nattemperaturen sjönk ner mot 9-10 grader – inte alla var beredda på eller utrustade för det.

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Vilket högsommarväder! Det hävdas ibland från meteorologhåll att dessa tidiga högsommarperioder är något vi fortsättningsvis kan räkna med. Ännu så länge tycks vi ha mest fördelar av den globala uppvärmningen. På längre sikt hotar väl förändringar i flora och fauna som kanske inte är lika trevliga och måhända en reversering av turistströmmen – miljontals turister på flykt undan översvämningar, orkaner och monsunregn i orienten och fjärran östern till den härliga svenska sommaren. Men vi tar en sak i taget.

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The news archive contains all news sorted by month and year they were written. Click the dates to see the year's headlines. Click on the month to view monthly news.


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