Friday, September 22, 2017 (Frej, Isfjord Micro, Nomad, Nomad/2, Sjösättning), 6 comments

Perla, Pansermaddan, konas Frej, Isfjord micro, datteras Frej og Langmaddan på hagetokt.
Knut Skjeggestad i Gausdal, Norge, har under två vintrar varit väldigt produktiv. Resultatet är sex kajaker till hela familjen – alla ur min katalog.
Här är två bildberättelser, den ena om kajakerna och hur de upplevs, den andra om byggprocessen, med en hel del egna lösningar:
Den lille thomassonske flåte i Gausdal. Del 1
Den lille thomassonske flåte i Gausdal. Del 2
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Friday, September 8, 2017 (Frej, Launchings), 0 comments

New great photos from the Maine archipelago and the red Frej that David Long launched a year ago:
"Hi Bjorn,
Some more photos of my Frej in its second season. The experience keeps getting better. One exceptional kayak.
best regards,
David Long"
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Tuesday, September 5, 2017, 1 comments

From Netherlands, a beautifully decorated Black Pearl:
"Björn Thomasson,
It's already almost a year ago that I finished the building of your Black Pearl. Ready a nice boat and it is fast.
Enclosed some pictures and my website with all the pictures of the building process.
Regards Ton Affourtit
PS Perhaps I'm going to build your Frej. I'm looking for a boat for expeditions with our tent and equipment. Lots of room and fast and nice. ????"
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