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News from July 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011 (Black Pearl), 10 comments

My cooperation with Seabird Designs is over - our opinions about quality, customers and service differ too much.
May seem a bit odd and egocentric to review a kayak I designed myself. The model itself, I need not write any more about – it has been the subject of many posting on paddling here and there. And if some new reader had missed it: Yes, I am quite pleased with my Black Pearl, if I may say so ;-)
The real reason for this review is that it is my first real opportunity to examine the outcome of this Chinese adventure. Earlier encounters have been a couple of minutes between teachings and talks. But this Friday I left Kano og kajakværkstedet in Denmark with a brand new and shining Black Pearl LV. Today I spent several hours in and off the bay Salviken at the west coast near Lund.
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Friday, July 29, 2011 (butiker), 7 comments

En liten vända på Fyn och ett besök hos Kim och Freddy på KANO OG KAJAKVÆRKSTEDET, en dryg mil NNV om Köpenhamn. Butiken/verkstaden ligger på Nybrovejen mellan två sjöar – och med sjösättningsbryggor i båda. Runt om finns ett stort sjösystem med perfekta förhållanden för både rodd och paddling.
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Monday, July 25, 2011 (Njord, Sjösättning), 2 comments

Till slut får du en sen rapport om sjösättning.
Min Njord är byggd under vintern 2008-9 och sjösatt under sensommaren 2009.
Jag har paddlat den till o från, och nu har jag till slut fått till sits och sittställning, vilket jag har haft bekymmer med.
Jag känner mig mer o mer hemma i Njorden och den får mer o mer paddlingstid i förhållande till mina andra kajaker.
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Friday, July 22, 2011 (kajakverkstad, yoga), 0 comments

Så här kan man också göra! Lite hastigt och lustigt komma på att det vore kul med en kajakverkstad – och så bara gå ut och bygga en! Man kanske skulle börja med yoga ;-)
Björn har tidigare byggt en Black Pearl hos Petruskajak.
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Monday, July 18, 2011, 4 comments

Hello Björn
A report from the winter-and-spring work in the garage workshop. The Kavat was launched yesterday in Åmänningen outside Fagersta. It performed remarkable well, stable but absolutely not boring. The work has held some difficulties and problems, mainly with laminating resulting in insufficient curing and trapped air – but that is forgotten now. An incredible feeling, paddling a sef-constructed boat! This week we leave for Skåne and Höllviken and a lot of paddling. Thank you for quick and helpful answers and above all, for a nicely designed kayak and a pedagogical manual !
Best regards
Simon Nilsson, Fagersta.
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Sunday, July 17, 2011 (trädgård), 6 comments

Vid en fikapaus i trädgården igår kom en stor insekt mödosamt klivande genom gräset, då och då högljutt surrande med vingarna. Första tanken var att det var en skadad bålgeting. Men den var tyngre och kraftigare byggd än en bålgeting med kolsvart glänsande huvud och rygg. När den kom närmare såg vi att yttersta delen av bakkroppen var luden med "kjolar" av brunorange päls, och att den alltså borde vara en humla av någon sort. Men den var mycket längre och kraftigare än andra humlor jag sett, ungefär 25 mm lång. När jag lyfte upp den (tung för att vara en humla!) flög den ett par meter och landade sedan i gräset och kom promenerande samma väg igen – en målmedveten rackare.
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Saturday, July 16, 2011, 5 comments

My second Njord touched water for the first time on a grey and rainy July 8 in Vikhög. This one is also slighly shortened (540 cm) due to the dimensions of the garage workshop. It is also one kg lighter than the first: 17 kg. The ststion molds for number three are already on the strongback, and the royalty will be payed for next week (don´t suppose there is a quantity discounts!)
Best regards
Esko Daniel
PS. Is there no way to upload photos through the contact form? DS
(Link to the launching of Njord number one)
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Thursday, July 14, 2011, 1 comments

Hi Björn,
I'm sending attached some photos from the launching of my Black Pearl on May 15th at the lake Vesijärvi in Lahti. I got the drawings already in 2006 but this winter I finally had the time and passion to build it. And it was a lot of fun to build it.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 2 comments

Hello Björn!
Thank you for appreciated help underways with this project, that has taken its time – but it has had to fit in with work and family life. Now we have two fine kayaks, individually sized and ready to be used. Looking forward to that. I have tried a short tour, and it seemed very exciting to use. But now a launchings ceremony with a toast for our kayaks. Again, thank you for support, encouragement and for your enthusiasm.
Best regards from
Søren in Denmark
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011 (Estonia, Kayak meeting), 5 comments

A couple of days on island Aegna, north of Tallinn. Approx 65 participants with a generally high competence level and some to me new kayak models to test. As expected Seabird Designs was well represented (having the office for sales and marketing in Tallinn) – a number of Seapearls, some Discoverys and Expeditions, one Qanik and one Black Pearl (though white ;-) – the latter used by me in my classes.
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