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News from October 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 9 comments
Sorry that I rant about something so remote from kayaking and paddling, but I just read an encouraging article in swedish magazine Ny Teknik (New Tech). I reported about LP-records striking back and new attitudes in the industry: the article – unfortunately not translated. I have since 1983 mourned the loss of quality that the CD-era and digitality imposed upon us – to such an extent that I got tired of purchasing new music, and still own just some 50 CDs compared to over 2000 LPs (which I frequently use). But to voice such opinions loud has been regarded as backwards and tech hostile with a nerd warning.
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Sunday, October 28, 2007, 2 comments
The usual question – alone or someone else show up? Sunny and reasonably warm (no gloves) – but windy (20-25 knots southwesterly). Back to wintertime last night so one more hour of sleep – but someone may have forgotten to set the clock. I have been alone some times – but have pointed that out on this site.
Well, Anders lifted out his kayak when I arrived, so at least we were two, fighting our way southwards. In the gusts, aided by a slow northerly current, the going was excruciatingly slow. But with the promontory at lernacken shielding the waves never got higher than 2" – as opposed to further north at the west coast at Väderöarna where the same wind raised a 12 ft sea – but short and steep.
Outside Ön the current as usual helped increasing the wavelength, thus helping kayak speed slightly.
The return trip took a third of the time – with some really good surfing. A little rolling outside Västra Hamnen (Western Harbour) completed the trip before a hot shower and sauna.
The temperature in water and air was approx 10º C, the sun was shining throuh thin clouds and a curious mink gazed at the passing kayaks from a daywater conduit.
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Saturday, October 27, 2007, 0 comments
The bulkhead solution turned out fine. Very solid and comfortable to lean against during layback rolls, and the fit were perfect from start. I have not decided if I will leave it semitransparent (note the visible condensation drops on the backside of the bulkhead) or paint it. I forgoot in the rush, to check the weight before attaching, but I am sure that it weights less than the old foam bulkhead (2" foam with one layer fiberglass on each side.
As before the seat is three layers of camping mat – dished out as much as the combined thickness allows - comfortable enough for hours of paddling...
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 0 comments
Jag blev klar med min Kavat i somras och har hunnit paddla en del. Den går mycket bra! Paddeln på bilden är gjord efter dina anvisningar i tidningen Paddla.
Jag hade STORA problem med ihopsättning av kajaken då däckets form blev rejält fel då det tog för lång tid mellan behandling av ut- och insidan.
Om det finns intresse så har jag in bild sekvens som visar hur jag trots allt lyckades att tvinga ihop den med hjälp av att ha spantmallarna kvar vid ihopsättning samt extra invändiga stag, dussintals av spännband samt några egenkonstruerade jättetvingar. Det var i princip omöjligt att få ihop den, men med mycket envishet så gick det.
Jag har även en konstruerat en sadel som är reglerbar i längdled.
Henrik Helenius
Ja Henrik, ganska många får mer eller mindre problem med formen vid pauser i bygget, så jag tror att det skulle finnas intresse för lite bilder från detta.
Henriks beskrivning av metoden finns bland byggtipsen
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 7 comments
As mentioned the other day, my aft foam bulkhead broke at a rolling class - the upper edge tore when a too large person tried the Black Pearl. Some duct tape saved the day (or more correct the following two weeks). At last I pulled myself together to a hopefully more lasting repair. Hopefully, because I decided to try an idea that surfaced during a short trip along the westcoast.
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Monday, October 15, 2007, 13 comments
Today is Blog Action Day. Blog what?
On October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind – the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Our aim is to get everyone talking towards a better future.
Kayaks and paddling may seem to have come a long way already compared to those blogging about fashion or SUV or powerboating. In many ways it is so.
We do have a lot to be proud of.
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Sunday, October 14, 2007 (paddling), 2 comments
Ja, nu är det höst, även för en inbiten väderromantiker! I morse var det två grader när jag lastade kajak. Av brittsommaren (egentligen förra helgen) blev det intet.
Trots solsken, blå himmel, svag vind och snabbt stigande temperatur var det tomt på Kanotklubbens brygga vid tio-tiden, så jag körde till Vikhög istället – bytte så att säga klubbens goa bastu mot friheten att komma direkt ut i havet utan att behöva klättra över två kommunala fördämningar.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007, 5 comments
I söndags omkom två paddlare från sydvästra Kanada i samband med en träningsrunda i Howe Sound, som är amerikanska kontinentens sydligaste fjord strax norr om Vancouver.
Åtta vana multisportare gav sig i söndags ut i fyra K2:or för en träningsdag med paddling och löpning. Fyra av dem hamnade i vattnet och två av dem dog senare på sjukhuset i sviter av nedkylning.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 1 comments
Andrew Elizaga på The Dash Point Pirate filmade påpassligt en intervju med Derek Hutchinson på amerikanska Delmarva-symposiet (Delmarva är en stor halvö på USA:s östkust, delad mellan de tre delstaterna Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia och där några av USA:s finaste paddelvatten finns).
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Monday, October 8, 2007, 2 comments
Start från Ellan på Singö
I helgen var jag inbjuden som föredragshållare till Friluftsfrämjandets ledarträff på Vässarö i Norra Roslagen. Föredraget handlade om kajakers egenskaper: skrovformer, skrovmaterial, utrustning mm och deras inverkan på fart, stabilitet och manöverbarhet. Med en intresserad och kunnig publik blev det ett lärorikt utbyte av information och erfarenheter som jag tror båda parter hade nytta av.
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Thursday, October 4, 2007, 12 comments
"Hi Björn
My summer open-air kayak building project, the Njord, my first kayak is finished. After many hours, most of them creative and fun, the Njord is almost done (have heard that home built kayaks will never be quite done...), 574 cm long, 49,5 cm wide and tipping the scale at approx 20-21 kg. I chose to purchase a kit from Haveriet - thanks Johan for good advice. Njord is mix of many qualities, as you Björn so well explains on the site, and with a retractable skeg, adjustable foot support and knee braces it is really flexible. Have tested i calm as well as rough seas and am very satisfied.
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Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 0 comments
"Hei Björn!
The kavat i finally finished. Built with a retractable skeg and bulkheads. Launching site was Vansjø in Rygge (N). After a few insecure strokes it felt increasingly stable and safe, and at the same time very easily handled. In other words, just as advertised :o)
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007, 0 comments
"Hello Björn,
A couple of pics of my brand new Kavat. This is how it turned out..
Gunnar Burman"
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Monday, October 1, 2007, 5 comments
After far too much HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Accessibility etc (web development for those who do not speak the lingo) – I finally managed to squeeze in a little of the more important things in life. Hoping for a short tour with my club colleagues, but finding the launching site empty - something to do with the weather probably: force 6 southerly and showers. But with a little abstinence such things does not count.
So it became a tour on my own outside ÖN with a little rolling every now and then - approx 6 miles and 50-60 rolls.
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