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News from April 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013 (Isfjord, Sjösättning), 4 comments
"Hej !
Nu har det varit en lång och trevlig vinter igen!!
Så idag sjösatte jag resultatet av " några" timmar i garaget,
det blev en 5,85 lång och 17,6 kilo lätt Isfjord i ceder med mönster av Asp och Mahogny.
Hälsningar Anders Johansson Huskvarna"
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Friday, April 26, 2013 (säkerhet), 0 comments
Vi har haft de första dagarna med sommarvärmen här nere i sydkanten, men det är fortfarande rejält kallt i vattnet - 6-7 grader. De som har kunnat hålla igång paddlingen under vintern har full koll, medan de som inte haft den förmånen får börja lite försiktigt. Här är ett förslag till en säkerhetsstrategi. Listan ser naturligtvis olika ut för olika personer. Det här är min variant. Den som av någon anledning inte vill eller kan lära sig rolla får naturligtvis hoppa direkt från steg 2 till steg 6 eller 7.
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Saturday, April 20, 2013 (Garden), 4 comments
Suddenly it is 20 degrees (C) and in the garden everything happens at once. You can almost hear how the plants break through and turn towards the sun. There were garden work that had to be done, and a pair of shorts were more than enough to keep warm.
Kjell, the nine months old red cat, is having the time of his life. A lot of drowsy flies, bumble bees and beetles to catch. It doesn´t help trying to fly high above him - goalkeeper talent Kjell lets nothing pass that moves.
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Saturday, April 13, 2013, 1 comments
Hey Bjorn,
I launched my Njord "Otāne" on the 6th April with a small flotilla of friends & a barbeque party afterwards. Otāne is the Māori (indigenous New Zealand people) name for the 26th night after the new moon. Otāne is generally a good day which proved true for the launch day last Saturday - calm & sunny.
I have adulterated the design a little; adding a rudder, a high deck & a large cockpit. I hope you will excuse this, rudders are a cultural imperitive in New Zealand. I will race the kayak & prefer to paddle with my knees up & together.
I've paddled three hours so far & I am pleasantly surprised at the boat's stability & good manners despite being 7cm narrower than my previous sea kayak. At 18kg Otāne accelerates down waves easily. Stability was fine in a confused short chop & the low bow makes a head wind less of a chore. I'm looking forward to my first race later this month, hopefully this boat will improve my times by 5 - 10%.
Many thanks to the kayak building community online, especially Ulf Johansson, Dan Caouette & Tomi Biloglav. I deeply appreciate their generous knowledge sharing & the time they take to document & present their building experience.
Thanks Bjorn for a great kayak.
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Thursday, April 11, 2013 (Internet), 0 comments
If you have run into problems visiting my site lately (an empty page, a link page from Network Solutions or, for those looking at the source code, an iframe with a long numbers code) – the reason is trouble with the domain servers at Network Solutions. There have been administrative and technical problems the last 24 hours, the worst during the afternoon and evening yesterday (local time). Unfortunately this meant that I couldn´t access the orders that were to be shipped yesterday (all order data are stored on the site back-end and unaccessible at the time for shipping).
But now everything seems to be up and running, and I will hurry up packing and shipping all orders ;-)
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Thursday, April 4, 2013 (bygge, Frej), 1 comments
Björn Welin, som bygger en Frej (förra året blev det en Njord), har lagt upp en tillfällig sajt med mycket bra och instruktiva byggbilder. Han visar i detalj hur man kan jobba med de olika momenten i ett kajakbygge.
På det följebrev som medföljer mina ritningarna står det: "Har du frågor, sök först i byggmanualen, sedan på sajten (“Bygga” och “Frågor och svar” – där finns det mesta). Hittar du ändå inte vad du söker, går det bra att ringa eller maila."
Som andra punkt kan jag nu skjuta in: titta på Björn Welins byggbilder ;-)
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Monday, April 1, 2013 (Frej, kayak building), 0 comments
John Abercrombie, boatbuilder in western Canada, has posted about his current project on Kayak Forum: a Frej. The forum is very active and there may be interesting comments or discussions, to inspire other builders. One nice touch from the start is that John uses bending plywood for the stem laminations: ’the result is nice and light, with zero springback’ (bending plywood is, as the name implies, an easily bent plywood with uni-directional veneer layers).
John´s posting on Kayak Forum...
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