Sunday, October 29, 2023 (Danmark, Panthera), 3 comments

Igår, lördag 28/10, var det Panthera-dag hos Kanokajakcenter i Fredriksdal i Danmark. Jag inledde med ett föredrag om bakgrunden och designkriterierna för Panthera och sedan tog Erik B. Jørgensen över och berättade och visade bilder och filmer från sin rekordpaddling runt Danmark i en Panthera. Efter en paus med sandwich och dryck, fanns det tre Panthera, en i glasfiber och två i kolfiber, att testapaddla ute på Furesø.
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Saturday, October 7, 2023 (Launchings, Spray), 0 comments

After about 10 months of work, the wooden surfski ‘Spray’ is now complete. Took it out for initial on-water trials on our local lake last week. It paddles well, fast but not too tippy. I am able to keep up with the racing K1 at the local canoe/kayak club, and it definitely is eye-catching on the water. I am very happy to have chosen the ‘Spray’ design.
I would describe my build as ‘not perfect, but parts of it are excellent’. I guess every builder knows where the flaws are. It is made of a combination of western red and yellow cedar strips, 5.5mm by 25mm. The red cedar was used for the fore-deck and for accent pieces. The white strips down the centerline and edges of cockpit are spruce. I used about 3.5 litres of West System epoxy with 4-oz cloth. I purchased a set of peddles and rudder from a surfski manufacturer (NELO), but I ended up making rails out of maple to adjust the peddles fore-aft. I tried to make it light at every step, but it ended up 17kg. I suspect I over-built the cockpit a little bit.
Cheers, Mark Trevorrow
(Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada)
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Tuesday, October 3, 2023 (Nanoq, Sjösättning), 0 comments

Hei. Nå er omsider Nanok'en ferdig. Takk igjen for god hjelp og god design. Veldig spent på hva neste prosjekt vil bli.
mvh Christen Vestad
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